Sleep Music
Our Sleep Music can help you with disorders, insomnia or restless sleep
Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
Do you wake up feeling tired?
Do you have difficulty staying asleep all night long?
Would you like to start getting the benefits of a restful nights sleep?
Then start listening to our Nocturnal Pleasures soundscape and guided journey when you go to sleep at night and start getting a good night’s sleep soon. As you gradually slow down your breathing and start relaxing the body, the music will take you from being fully awake (alpha state) to semi-awake (beta state) to pre-dreaming (theta state) and on to deep sleep (delta state). As you awaken during the night, reconnect your awareness to the music and reestablish your intent, then drift back into sleep state. Within 30 days, your body will be conditioned to go into sleep state when the music is played.
Ideally work with the guided journey for 5 days in a row and then taper off to just listening to the sleep music. You can always return to the guided journey on occasion as needed for reinforcing the program.
Nocturnal Pleasures Intro
ORDER Nocturnal Pleasures
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Runtime: 20:08 – Download Formats includes .wav, FLAC, .m4a & MP3 files
(INCLUDES Sleep Program)
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