Shamballa ~ Journey Home

- Meditation Level: Intermediate/Advanced
- Connect with Ascended Master Teachers
- Accellerate conscious understanding of Light Language
- Assists in all aspects of ascension process
- Develops abilities to pierce the veils between realms
There is a place within all of us that is collectively known as Home. As ancient legends and myths throughout history have foretold, this sacred space may be experienced as a manifestation in 3D or as an inner sanctuary of multi-dimensional experience. In truth All is One. Within our DNA, lies the mystery and magic of Shamballa, simply waiting for you to initiate the process of awakening. As each soul travels their own path on the Journey Home, we continually raise our Light Quotient as we move into alignment with the waves of energy from the Galactic Core, through the Living Sun. This is the current cycle of the Shamballic energetics now accelerating conscious awareness on the planet.
Shamballa ~ Journey Home Medley
Accelerating unfoldment at the nexus of planetary evolution.
In answer to The Calling — this transmission from Shamballa.
A sacred space, a sanctuary of sound.
Within these frequencies of beauty is a path of strength and evolution.
Breathe deeply of the sparkling Prana of the Life Force.
Feel the Joy of Awakening.
The light of your inner sun shines brightly, awakening every cell.
Breathe deeply into the vision of possibilities now made manifest.
Follow the feeling tones with your breath and your bliss.
In this Oasis we share, we approach you with the living water of life’s creative flow.
Enjoy. Be In Joy.
Drink deeply of the nectar of vitality, rejuvenation and freedom.
Nourish your Body of Light — be forever refreshed.
In these frequencies we are moving energy….
we are restranding the DNA….we are connecting you with YOU.
You are becoming beacons of Light and transformation.
A synergy of essence, unity within the beauty and uniqueness of diversity.
Your lives are of a higher art — Life affirming acts of Devotion and Love,
each as you are guided, from the most open place of clarity you can envision.
Become the living Grail in the essence of your becoming.
Paradise will manifest on Earth.
Believe. Feel. Receive. Act.
YOU are Shamballa
Welcome Home
The Story behind the Music
In February of 2000, we were asked to ground the higher frequencies of Light from the Shamballa matrix into a musical composition. It all started with a young man named Luis V., who requested a personal channeled soundscape to use in his work. Luis felt a calling to connect on the deepest levels to the energy of Shamballa. He desired to be in continual communication with the masters, guides and teachers that impart higher knowledge through this vibrational signature. Luis is a healer actively involved in the process of discovering his gifts and unfolding his divine purpose. One of the strongest messages he received from guidance was that his work on the planet during this lifetime would emanate from his connection to the Shamballa current. During his meditations, he received information that one of the most profound ways in which he would be able to maintain this connection was through music, sound and vibration. He was also told that this music had not been created yet and that he would need to seek out the musician/composer that would be able to do this for him. As he started his search to find the right sounds, he was guided to connect with ShapeshifterDNA. And so our journey together began……..
As ShapeshifterDNA, we continue to remain open to the widest spectrum of energy and information available. We are also very aware of our connection to the Shamballa energy from previous incarnations and we are more than willing to deepen our relationship with the many teachers and masters that reside in this sector of the matrix. It became apparent early in the Project that the music would not only be for Luis, but also for the many Lightworkers who were awakening to the teachings that are resurfacing on the planet during this cycle. We have also been shown the deeper, non-dogmatic, multi-dimensional aspects of this creative force.
Many Lightworkers are feeling the calling to ground this magical, mystical energy of Shamballa into tangible manifestation. This energetic has been called many different names over time. Each of us will form our own personal connection to it that will become clearer as we begin our deeper explorations and initiate the process of remembering our divinity during these evolving times. The time of transformation is here; there is no longer any doubts about that.
The energy flowing through the Galactic core and from the modulating electromagnetic field of the Sun is now generating currents impacting the scalar/morphogenic fields of Gaia and all life upon her. These waves are the Shamballa Initiation in action. Interacting with these Shamballic currents has accelerated our work with DNA Activation and can do the same for your personal explorations. During the time we were deeply engaged with this project we actualized more profound changes in our awareness. The Shamballa current initiates the process of abundance on all levels and we have been blessed to experience these truths in many areas of our life.
This living information has guided us in our unfolding purpose during that time, as well as showing us the bigger picture of the Divine Plan. Through synchronistic events, we have been shown where we are to focus our energy in order to actualize our manifestations. This includes, among many other things, attracting other self empowered individuals, groups and resources to further ground this adventure in to 3D.
Our gift begins with the soundscapes – it is for those of you who feel this calling to take these teachings and unfold them into your own personal creative expression. The sound design phase was being transmitted throughout 2000 during many significant planetary alignments and energy wave transmissions. During the times when planet-wide meditations were taking place and dimensional windows opened through the vortex of beliefs, we were able to maintain some of the most powerful connections to the Shamballa masters. It was during the sacred communion of these mass events that much of the original sounds were grounded into our recording technology. The doors to Shamballa were opened wide during the month of January 2001 and many of you were called to action during that time, in preparation for the acceleration that was to come. During that period, we received extensive transmissions that we continue to unfold. It is definitely a planetary dynamic that is affecting all of us — for we are all one aspect of the whole — what effects one of us, affects all of us.
There is a calling for renewal so that we, as conscious beings, may ground and co-create with this infinite potential. Light is shining into the Darkness of inertia and much is being revealed — in many ways and on many different levels. As we continued to work on this initial Project, various pieces of the final soundscape came through. The Project was being released in energetic “bursts” in order to allow us to integrate each phase of the powerful information given to us through the sonic connections.
As focused empaths, much care was taken that the transmission was received in the most open, clear and centered state as possible. When each stage of initiation was assimilated, we were then prepared to bring through the next sequence. Our personal spiritual path was intimately connected to this process as well as to the planetary dynamics that were being played out.
On 09.11.01, the final transmissions were being received and we received guidance that this release was now completed. Not knowing about the dramatic events that were being played out until several hours after the WTC/Pentagon attacks occurred, we were receiving some of the most powerful transmissions indicating that the planet was now ready to receive, and to work with these soundscapes. The section being received at that time the planes hit the towers begins at 6:27 on track 1; a rather prophetic signpost. The week following this event, we were in continual resonance with the Shamballa matrix while various aspects of this Project were being completed. The group meditation date of 09.17.01 was another very powerful day. Transmissions were received regarding the transformative effects that this music would have as the frequencies began being heard around the planet.
In holding our connection to this current, we were provided with an overview of the previous week’s events from a higher perspective. The blessing we received in the guidance to release this soundscape from the Shamballa Masters during this particular time indicates to us the significance of all the efforts that have been put forth from all the Lightworkers on the planet. When we reference Lightworkers here, we mean every man, woman and child, for we are all beings of Light, we are not creating any separation. Each of us, no matter what beliefs we hold in our hearts, no matter the color of our skin or the origin of our birth, have a unified connection to the ONE, to All That Is. It is from this place of Love, that these soundscapes emanate from. We offer them to you so that you may find that connection and begin to live your life from that space of Oneness. We each hold the potential to effect the whole. Remember, this Project was started from the vision of one man – Luis V. To him, we give our most humble thanks and deepest gratitude for being called to take action on his vision.
We have come to know the energy of Shamballa as a place that we all can be connected with. It is a matter of focus and intent. The colorful legends of the Shamballa that it is a physical place that exists in 3D are but one facet of the big picture. Shamballa, in its evolution, is a place that can be reached in your consciousness, that is created by your Love, your joy, your actions and your intent. When you raise the Light Quotient of your bio-energetic matrix in alignment with this current of information, you will begin to experience this place with your heightened senses. The Shamballa Masters may come to you and provide teachings that assist you in creating a Shamballa right in your own living room, and in your neighborhood, your places of work and play, your countries, and then the world. These “masters” will take the form that you choose to believe, for they are also a part of you, intimately connected to your flesh and bone, your breath and spirit, your DNA and the dancing particles/waves of that which you are. As you begin to create this space in your environment, many wonderful things will reawaken in your consciousness. Visions of pastlives will emerge which will bring forth many new connections to other souls from your spiritual family of Light. Your true purpose for being here now as well as a deeper understanding of the mission you have come to actualize will be revealed.
The Shamballa~Journey Home soundscape will begin to direct your energy on the path of Shamballa. It is going to be up to your sincere intent and your ability to hold the frequency as to whether you will eventually move into the valley before the city of Shamballa and ultimately through the gateway of a fully realized, more expansive way of being. Many of us have been exploring the concept of what Heaven on Earth truly means and how that reality manifests on this planet. It takes our collective energetic agreement, from a sincere, balanced, Light-filled space of Love to make this happen. This musical offering is but one way that we can create a tangible frequency map for those who choose to follow this calling. It is to those of you that we say “Welcome Home.”
Our Journey Home
is Love in Motion
Waves Ripple Outward in the Ocean
of Primal Action Through Devotion
Benevolent Intervention through Intention
without Limits or Pretension
Abundance Flows in Love’s Sweet Wine
in Answer to the Calling of the Divine
The Sun and Moon then Gently Kiss
Other Universes Resonate in Bliss
Shining in the Light of Evolution
In Love’s Perfect Resolution
We Restrand as ONE Solution
©Copyright 2000 Gary & JoAnn Chambers
Reviews for Shamballa ~ Journey Home
GO HOME, HOME BABY, GO HOME — Here we have an album inspired to guide you to the reality of my favorites subject: THE PARADISE WITHIN. What we have here is an hour of extreme inner planes paradise done in the signature style of an artist who apparently has been doing this sort of thing for a number of lifetimes. i hear so much Lemuria in this that it brings a fond tear to my eye. it is amazing in this day and age that we have reached the point of reconnecting so far back! and yes there is Atlantean influence also. I think it is about how to bring the inner paradise to the outside world, but still testing at this point… while i am an avid collector of all of Shapeshifter’s work, the recent “Shamballa” “Rejuva” albums, plus this new one, “Sanctuary,” establish this artist as a primary source for Paradise vibrations and certainly as essential picks for any ambient room i would consider doing.
– Darv Krizton Sanctuary/VisionaryMusic, 2008, ShapeshifterDNA
I have thoroughly enjoyed the DNA CD’s and go beyond the chap in Melbourne (Melbun if he’s reading this) that I believe that everyone should also order the Odyssey and Shamballa CD’s. The Odyssey is like the intro to open our mental doors and the Shamballa is played after the four DNA CDs, It takes us ‘Home’. Our CD player plays Six, so it is a perfect way to listen to the DNA level one. I totally agree that clearing (which I’ve had) and other aspects will also help clear the way for the ‘awakening’. –G.A., CA
Elucidating, fluidal, and simply wonderful
Very deep, definitely a change from the L1 series, some of the energy reminded me of the 2012 gateway files combined with the frequencies of shamballa and a slight bit of rejuva energy all in one working. It is definitely lucid in every sense of the word. Psychoactive Intense Energy raising-activating.
Amazing opening to the multi-dimensional worlds of the Shamballa matrix. — Stephanie, Music Review
An amazing work of sonic artistry that transcends the boundaries of earth’s current electronic music genre. — Sylvis, Pleiadian
There are many resonances throughout the disc that i recognize from my own encounters with the Shamballa energy-constellation. — Darv Krizton, Radio DJ
Wonderful CD!
This CD is amazing. The more I listen, the more I like it, and feel my energy shift to a more positive state. I highly recommend embarking on the journey of DNA activation through Visionary music.
Amazing Sonic Travels
Listening to Shamballa a good few times and allowing myself to let go and merge with the sound frequencies I felt myself merging into different “higher worlds”, and as if somehow I was in communication with Higher Beings as if they were reaching out to me. I felt truly multidimensional and how all these energy bands are overlaid interpenetrating each other. The sounds seemed to be overlaying each other and weaving into a majestic tapestry as if I was traveling and expanding through wormholes into many different “other worlds” and levels of the multi-universe. This is some of the most Amazing!!! music I have ever heard and a gem from the Shapeshifter catalog that will greatly expand your consciousness if listened to regularly with intent becoming the music. This album is definitely for the advanced Sonic sound traveler.
This CD has been a major change in my life in many ways and forms beyond anything I have ever felt. As I wrote in a previous review (DNA Activation #2) I was a big skeptic because of a few so called “Psychics” who were into this only to get the mean green and help no one really see. People who were more like motivational speakers than true Light works and this my friend is a way of self-exploration on a level I never thought I would experience and it feels wonderful. You should buy it ^_^
Listening to this CD has allowed me to journey in wonderous and familiar places.
To Begin your Journey ~ Start with our YouTube Channel
Playlists are set up to guide you throughout your journey - BEGIN HERE
NEXT STEP: After you have explored for a while and feel ready to dive in deeper,
it is imporant to work with Full-Fidelity Sound Files
Hi-Quality Sound System and/or Headphones ~ Ideally Both
Sound Beds are Great
5hZ to 35kHz Frequency Response (get as close as you can to these specs)
INCLUDES: 7 Tracks ( Living Waters, Invitation, Manifestation, SuperLuminal, Integration of the Five Elements, Light of the Grail, Rejuvenation) plus vocal intro CD and original album inserts/PDF
81 minutes runtime ~ .wav audio format
By purchasing our soundscapes, you will be supporting our on-going projects that provide light-based sonic sustenance to an awakening humanity.
20% of your gift supports the development and funding
of MUSE Evolutionary Arts Foundation \ 501(c)3 non-profit