DNA3.Ascend | Entheogen
- Next Level Transformation
- Building New Worlds/New Reality Matrixes
- Diving Deeper for Final Clearings of Density
- Transmute fear based layers with greater levels of Light
- Align with true power within, releasing false ego based imprints
- Shamanic Psychedelic pathways emerging
- Release previous karmic patterns of old world constructs
- Align more fully with divine purpose & planetary mission parameters
The level in the DNA Activation journey emerges through the density of planetary transformation. This blends all the teachings from LevelOne and L2 into a more seamless, cohesive frequency patterns – Resolutions. The words to describe become less important as the awareness of direct transmissions via frequency based information streams arise in the collective consciousness of awakening souls on the journey towards manifestations in the 5th World of Light. Dive in deeper, shamanically navigate the vibrational pathways as guided by your own direct knowingness within. Ride the waves of your intentions to reveal the deeper reasons for all that is happening to you and the world around you. Your adventures contribute to the on-going building of the frequency maps to the next levels of conscious evolution. Utilize with plant teachers or deep-dive meditations to enhance the deepening and understanding of the layers of multidimensional information within the psychedelic realms. Much more will be revealed as you drop the mind chatter and allow these data streams to download directly into your consciousness field of Light.
6 Tracks | 6 Virtual Worlds
All tracks were featured in AltSpaceVR, which is now closed. New locations will eventually be created.
WATCH VIDEO BELOW to view AltSpace VR Worlds.
Album Currently Not Available for Purchase
1 – Entheogen (12:02)
VR World: Underworld Cave
2 – Invocation (10:20)
VR World: Psychedelic Space Journey
3 – Gateway Connections (8:28)
VR World: 360º Trippy Dome
Gateway Connections
4 – Hyacinth (6:28)
VR World: 180º Circle of Sounds
5 – Dream Empowerment (18:19)
VR World: Alien Blutopia
Dream Empowerment
6 – Just Breathe (10:19)
VR World: Shiva Blessings
Just Breathe
All Virtual Worlds built by Jose Ferrer
Entheogen ~ a Trippy, Psychedelic Adventure
(This world will eventually be part of an app on Meta – Stay Tuned)