CyberShamanic Music
If you are currently listening to electronic music from the EDM, IDM, techno, dub, wobble, psychill, psychedelic, dream trance, trance & ambient chill genres, etc., then you already have a basic intuitive understanding of where music can take you in terms of creating a hypnotic, trance-like experience. This music is more for the active, external forms of expression in party-like atmospheres, which is awesome.
But, how would you like to take that hypnotic experience and turn it into a psychedelic exploration of your Inner World?
Let the Sounds and the Rhythms guide you
Move you, inspire you, light the fire in you ever deeper within
Activation and awakening, Eros and Spirit entwined
Traveling through Earthly and Alien Presence —
Merging with the primal essence
Within all Realities of Heart, Soul and Mind
Drink deeply now of that sweet wine
Visions of Past, Present and Future
Swirl and merge as One — It has begun
Mirrored facets of multiple dimensions
In Love’s dance, that shining radiance
All Space & Time
Modulate the Lifewave
Consciously listening to our CyberShamanic Music with deeper intentions and focus will assist you in navigating to the next evolutionary levels of conscious awareness. It will accelerate your Awakening Process and bring you into alignment with the higher resonant frequencies of what is termed Enlightenment or Ascension. Within the many layers within this CyberShamanic music, you will experience many forms of higher multidimensional intelligence speaking to you – non-linear communications. Open your heart and truly listen, flow with the tones and rhythms, ever deeper in Love’s dance. Acknowledge the Infinite Self within you and your connection to the ultimate higher power of the Universe as you dive deeply into the experience and you will approach Initiation.
What is CyberShamanic Music?
NOTE: The term “CyberShamanic Music” was first coined by Gary & JoAnn Chambers at Visionary Music in 1995. It is a genre of music that will evolve and attract more musicians to create music that is truly reflective of transformative shamanic explorations in sound. The evolutionary development and commitment of the musician is the defining element in the quality of this style of music. It is not something that can be faked through pretense or hype. The true sincerity of this genre will always shine through.
How to Listen
Listening to CyberShamanic Music requires a soft focused receptivity and intention to receive the most from the experience. It is not musical wallpaper meant to be skimmed over lightly. You must be willing to let go into full states of natural ecstasy and communion with the Flow. Music in its original expression was a tribal experience. Much of it has since de-evolved into a shallow social experience of background noise stimulation that has entrained humanity to a lower vibrational rate. Welcome to a form of musical expression that awakens not only consciousness, but has been created with the radical intent of activating the dormant DNA codes and rejuvenating the body temple. Raising the very vibrational structure of matter through empathic resonance, creating the possibility of increased longevity leading to physical immortality through increased energy flows throughout the bio-physical matrix. Through the increased awareness that is a part of this process, you will begin to consciously choose to live in the bliss and freedom of your full and glorious potentials — as the veils of illusion are lifted and you begin to remember who you really are.
As the sounds surround and envelop you, they travel through the cellular/DNA matrix, sub-atomic levels and beyond in joyful waves of modulation — ever deeper, ever onward. Something vague, yet hauntingly familiar begins to happen. Close your eyes, focus your senses inward and you will feel the energy within the music moving through you until a harmonic resonance is achieved creating a synergy of body, emotion, mind and spirit into the ecstasies of a perceived Oneness. This occurs through the blending of powerful vibrational frequencies on many levels. Depending on your willingness to Let Go and Go With The Flow, you can travel wherever the music guides you — using your sincere intention to explore past, present and future realities. Many magical journeys will unfold through the infinite and ever-changing windows and doorways of the shining labyrinths of our existence.
Vital information is deeply encoded within the melodies of the music — non linear and multi-dimensional in form and in substance. Allow yourself to experience this without the need to comprehend what may be happening on a mental level. Ask what you need to know and it will be shown to you through symbols/images, pictures, thoughts and feelings. Do not judge, simply open yourself to the magic that awaits within. In time, this information will become clear as the vibration steps down into the heart of matter and form; at which time your soul will be uniquely guided, according to your personal inclinations, to live the magic of your dreams and visions.
Psychedelic Explorations
There are several plant teachers that will enhance your experience and actually teach you a great deal if you are so inclined to work with altered states substances. These experiences can act as a teacher to help you deepen your experiences and should only be used in a shamanic way. Your goal is not to rely on these substances but to use them to help you get to a deeper place within naturally. We neither condemn or condone the usage of altered states substances, but feel they are very effective in helping people break through some of their barriers that prevent them from deeper self exploration.
As a place to start, we suggest cannibis as a mild form and less aggressive than LSD, mushrooms or similar. With that said, if you are exploring these other substances, the music can be a very powerful support to your journeys. You can also use it in Ayahausca ceremonies if you have experience in these realms. Use wisely and with clear judgment on whether to engage with our music and any altered state substance. Because we explore the full spectrum from Light to Dark in the music, you could encounter aspects of Self that you have buried deeply within. Do not take this warning lightly! A sitter is a good idea to use to help you navigate and keep you in the Light. You can consult with JoAnn if you feel you need any guidance in this area.
If you are at all mentally or emotionally unstable, we recommend that you do not use our music and any altered states substances.
CyberShamanic Dance Waves
Trance Dance Waves or Conscious Dancing can be experienced in small groups at healing or yoga centers. These trance dances can have the potential of expanding to much larger venues from dance halls and nightclubs to major music festivals. The music begins in stillness, taking us deep within in flowing resonance to our cellular and DNA Light Codes, then rhythmically emerging in gentle yogic/tai chi style movements that align all neural circuits to our Light encoded bodies. Chakric energies begin balancing and connections are made to the greater matrix of all beings on Earth embodying the higher templates of the 5th Worlds of Light. The music builds and builds into ecstatic states of energetic movement, leading the dancers into higher states of consciousness. The waves are completed and resolved with a gentle journey towards stillness, encouraging deep states of meditation, then finally into silence to ground and integrate the experience.
We encourage others to start groups with people of like mind to explore this music along with dance and movement. You can speak with JoAnn if you want to get some guidelines or suggestions on how to create this space. We suggest if you use our music in any event that you consider gifting something back as compensation for using our music.